Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Me trying to be crafty

I have to show you my latest project... I’m excited because after about 5 trips to the Goodwill store, I finally
found not only one treasure but two
 {I usually browse the store and just see junk}

This tray was only $1

The hideous green paint was peeling off & there were several scratches but the black spray paint covered it all up. I have been dying to use my Mod Podge {crazy I know but it's the small things in life!} I waited patiently and when the paint dried, I mod podged some scrapbook paper inside the tray to give it some color.

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I think it’s adorable!! Now, I have a place to put my
 keys, badge & sunglasses.
I’m working on my other treasure now and will post it later ;)

1 comment:

Shanna said...

Jamie! Look at you being crafty! And using Modge Podge and everything. I am so proud! It looks awesome! I think you should keep an eye out for more trays and make them over with pictures of the kids or a monogram. The sky's the limit with Modge Podge, right? Love it. Can't wait to see your other project.