Thursday, January 26, 2012


My AMAZING Trainer, Robin Dayer, sent me this email today and I had to share with you...

"My opinion is that you never find happiness until you stop looking for it" ~Chuang-tzu

This is so true---happiness lies within ourselves. No matter what external circumstances arise, we have the choice of how we make it. You choose to be happy or not. Bottom line.
In your quest for fitness, which should be never ending--it is a lifetime commitment because you are constantly making progress, always--------DO NOT fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others. We all have our own journey, our own limits, our own bodies. Its a slippery slope when you have an internal dialogue that sounds like this: "If I could look like her/him I would be so happy", " I am so out of shape and de conditioned, look at how many pushups he/she is doing", or the worst "If I would just loose 20lbs I would look fabulous and I will finally be happy".

Believe me, this is a slippery slope that only ends in one place---failure. You will quit before you even start.
Happiness and love of your own body and its marvelous capabilities lies within YOU. You wont be a happier person because you loose 20lbs. You will just be a thinner,
unhappy person (and NO, I can hear you
 right now, that is not better)!

Until you learn to accept your own body and love it for what it does for you EVERY WORKOUT, you will continue the awful cycle of negative and punishing thoughts during your workout, which only leads to failure and honestly will make your workout 10 times harder.
You are strong, healthy and beautiful! Repeat, repeat, repeat

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