Sometimes you just seem too good to be true!
You have always been my sweetheart, our tender Little girl.
Always eager to please and ready to give lots of love to whoever needs a lift.
Daddy and I can't help but smile when we see you or hear your contagious little giggle!
You are such a joy to be around because of your happy, pleasant nature.
I can always count on you to be helpful and obedient, even though there might be something else you'd rather be doing. I love it that you are always the first to volunteer!
It breaks my heart to see you sad or disappointed, because you are such a content and grateful person and never want to hurt anyone else or make them feel bad.
We love that you are so thoughtful and intuitive about the feelings of others.
I see you serving and doing kind things for others every day, even without being asked.
You are selfless by nature and always willing to sacrifice for others, especially those you love.
You are a great friend and a wonderful, devoted Sister. I admire that you love Andrew so much and take such good care of him. You are sweet and patient with him.
As you grow, we are continually amazed at how capable you are. You are just like your Daddy... new things come easily and naturally for you.
I love to watch you excel and your confidence increase.
We are so proud of you Adrianna... You are such a great kid!
I know you will be a success at whatever you decide to do!
We are so blessed to have you in our home and family. I can't imagine life without you!
Love ~