Wednesday, November 23, 2011


yes, smiling.

because when i start to think of what i'm thankful for,

i smile.

i smile because i think of my husband and how good his soul is. his determination to make me laugh in my worst of moods,

he is so much more than i ever deserved.

i smile because i think of my daughter who is more and more beautiful everyday, and in so many ways a mini-me in character, and in so many ways constantly teaching me to be better.

i smile because i think of my son, his sweet little smile that melts my heart. his arms that strangle me with hugs all the day long.

i smile because i think of how many dear friends & family i have, and how fortunate my life is, and the amazing opportunities i have had.

i smile because we are healthy, and happy, and swimming in love.

...then i become teary eyed.

and all choked up.
because by the time i have thought of the things i am most thankful for,

i become overwhelmed with emotion, overwhelmed with how blessed i am.

overwhelmed with an immense gratitude for all i have, and who i am.

but oh the joy of being able to fully appreciate.

that is what a celebration of thanksgiving is about, to me.

happy thanksgiving!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

That made me teary. Thank you.