Friday, April 8, 2011

Sprinkle of Randomness

WARNING: There is NO rhyme or reason for this post!
Seriously, now that that is out of the way, let's get down to some randomness...

The Wells House has been CRAZY this month but I wouldn't have it any other way. I have been planning Adrianna’s 12th birthday party. She wants a Movie Party this year and it has been FUN coming up with ideas. I LOVE planning my kid’s birthday parties! Can't wait to post LOTS of pictures. 

A couple months ago, we were driving to the farm & half way there one of the kids had to use the bathroom. There are no gas stations so we had to stop at Nimrod Park{keep in mind Hollis, Arkansas is in the middle of nowhere}As we were driving in the park, I spotted a vintage telephone booth. It was just sitting there in the middle of a park, surrounded by trees. Adrianna had a friend with her and neither of them had ever seen a telephone booth before! I had to take the kids back and get some pictures!

I had to post this picture... Andrew Hayden is a mess!
We really never know what he is going to do next...He keeps up laughing that's for sure.
Last night @ dinner he informed us he has a girlfriend. I almost choked. Adrianna NEVER talks about boys. Andrew is another story... He is always talking about going on dates. He said "Mom, me & my girlfriend are going on a date. I am going to take her to the creek so we can throw rocks in the water and I need your truck!" =)

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